Accessibility Information

Detailed Guide to the Garden

This page has detailed information about the physical accessibility of all areas of the garden which are being used during the festival. An overview of the site can be found on the main accessibility information page. That page also has details about toilets, a sensory guide, and information about food and drink and getting to the festival.

The majority of programming is in the marquee and Frog House. All of the other spaces on this page have two or three programme items in them, or are open during the festival but do not have programme items. The Art Hut has a loose gravel path leading to it which may pose issues for wheelchair users. Myco’s building has a step to enter.

The Main Area/Lawn

The main area of the garden is grass with a wide compacted gravel path through the middle. The site is a former bowling green, so the grass in the main area is short and the ground is very solid. It is not muddy unless there has been recent heavy rain. 

There is lots of seating in this area of the garden. The seating is largely picnic benches and other benches without backs, but some chairs with backs will be available.

Picnic benches on short grass next to the compacted gravel path.
Wide compacted gravel path winding through the lawn, leading to the bar and building with accessible toilet.


The marquee is in the main area of the garden, on the lawn. It is a short distance away from the path, only accessible by briefly going over the grass.

There are bars from the frame of the marquee on the ground which have to be stepped over to enter, these have been covered with rubber mats in several places to provide a more ramped entrance. The ground in the marquee is woodchip.

There is lots of seating in the marquee, mostly benches without backs around tables.

Open side of the marquee. There is a meter or two of grass to travel over before the woodchip floor.
The bars of the marquee frame are resting on the ground and have been covered with rubber mats.

The Frog House

The Frog House is a building with an open front at the back of the garden, which is used as a stage for performances and as a venue for small workshops. There is a wide woodchip path through the site to the Frog House.

A temporary ramp can be set up to allow ramp access into the Frog House building, although this is likely to only be used for performers as the building itself is primarily being used as a stage. 

There will be seating in front of the Frog House, some picnic benches and some folding chairs with backs. Part of this seating will be under cover as a roof extends out from the front of the building.

A small wooden building with an open front. A clear plastic roof extends out from the front of the building, over woodchip-covered ground.
Wide woodchip path between vegetable beds, leading to the building in the previous photo.

Art Hut

The Art Hut is a small building which has ramp access via a permanent concrete ramp. There is a loose gravel path to access it, which may cause issues for wheelchair users.

To get to the Art Hut, go through the Nest entrance and past Myco’s building. There is a 1m wide willow archway followed by paved ground, followed by an area of solid bare earth, followed by the loose gravel path. The plants overhanging the path will be cut back before the festival.

Loose gravel path leading to a tiled concrete ramp into the building. The ramp does not have hand rails or raised edges.
Paving stones run out and there is an area of bare ground before the gravel path. A busy plant is leaning into the path.

Craft Alley

This section will be updated with photos before the programme is released.

Craft alley is a paved area that runs across the middle of the site. It is reached using the wide woodchip path which also goes to the Frog House. 

There is seating available for the craft tables in Craft Alley. The space is long and narrow, so it is often crowded, but chairs and tables will be arranged to give wheelchair users enough space to access the crafts.

GGP Garden

The only programme item in this space is the Gaskall Garden Project’s Natural Farming Talk/Tour.

This is a garden space with narrow woodchip paths between vegetable beds. The paths are wider at the edges and narrow towards the middle of the space, and are narrow enough in the middle that they are likely to be inaccessible to wheelchair users. The space has entrances on both the Frog House side of the garden from the paved path on the other side.

Narrow woodchip paths overhung by plants - in places the paths are about a foot wide.
The entrance to the GGP garden, showing a wider path.


The only programme item in this space is the Nature Writing Workshop.

There is a small step to enter Myco’s building, and uneven ground directly outside the door. It is reached through the Nest entrance, a 1m wide willow archway followed by paved ground, before the uneven bare earth outside the door.

The ground dips down before the building, and dips down further on one side, leaving a step with uneven ground in front of it.
Paving stones run out and there is an area of bare ground before Myco's building. A bushy plant leans into the path.

Nest/Quiet Space

The Nest is a small area of the garden which is being used as a quiet space for the festival. The site is small and noise travels so music and other sounds from the festival are likely likely to be audible in the quiet space, if a quieter space is needed attendees can always exit and re-enter the festival - the surrounding park is large and usually quiet.

The Nest is reached through a 1m wide willow archway. It has a small paved area surrounded by flowerbeds, with a bench. The area will be tided and plants trimmed back before the festival, so that the bench can be used, and other seating will be available.

Paved ground surrounded by flowerbeds. There is a bench without a back up against a wall.
Grass in front of a willow archway leading to a paved area.

Small Polytunnel

The Small Polytunnel is accessed over a short woodchip path leading off of Craft Alley. This path is step free but has a small lip where the ground inside the polytunnel is slightly lower than outside. There is another entrance on the other side, past the cafe, which is a paved path but has a small curb followed by a short area of uneven ground.

Inside the polytunnel has woodchip flooring. The space will be tidied before the festival to allow space for wheelchair users to move around inside, and seating will be available.

Wellbeing Garden

The Wellbeing Garden is a herb garden area next to the Frog House. It is made up of grassy paths surrounded by herb and flower beds, with two open areas with seating.

It is accessed through a willow archway (which will be tidied and trimmed back before the festival). The ground and paths are a mixture of solid bare earth, grass, and woodchip.

Next to the Wellbeing Garden is a sandpit with children’s toys, which is accessed through a low (child height) willow archway.

Grassy area with worn earth paths and wooden benches around the edge.
Two willow archways, one low one, and one taller one with wooden furniture visible through it.